Essential Arabic Phrases Every Traveler Should Know in Egypt

While English is widely spoken in tourist areas, learning a few basic Arabic phrases can go a long way in Egypt and enhance your travel experience. Here are 10 essential phrases to help you communicate like a local.

Hello. Use this friendly greeting to start conversations with locals and make a positive impression.

Thank you. Show your appreciation by saying "shukran" when someone helps you or provides a service.

Min fadlak
Please. Use this polite request when asking for assistance or making a request.

Sabah al-khair
Good morning. Greet people with a cheerful "sabah al-khair" to start the day on a positive note.

Masa' al-khair
Good evening. Use this phrase to greet people in the evening and wish them well.

No. Use this simple word to decline offers or express disagreement.

Yes. Respond affirmatively with "na'am" when asked a question or offered something.

Kayfa halak
How are you? Use this friendly greeting to inquire about someone's well-being.

Ana ismi
My name is... Introduce yourself with "ana ismi" followed by your name.

Ma'a as-salama
Goodbye. Bid farewell with "ma'a as-salama" as you depart from a conversation or leave a place.

Learning a few basic Arabic phrases can help you connect with locals and navigate everyday situations with ease during your travels in Egypt. So, practice these essential phrases and enjoy meaningful interactions with the friendly people you meet along the way.